Tuesday, January 25, 2011

2nd Appointment and Stats

So I am noticing on the baby community boards on the various websites that they put stats of mile markers of the pregnancy in their signatures. Although, I think it’s a great idea to keep track of these things, im going to go ahead and put it in a post rather than in my signature. So here it goes!!!

BFP: 11/29/2010

EDD: 8/8/2011

FU/S: 12/28/2010

FHB: 1/28/2011

That’s all there is for now! So wondering what these crazy acronyms are?

BFP= Big Fat Positive. The first day we got a positive on our HPT(home pregnancy test).

EDD = Estimated Due Date

FU/S: First Ultrasound

FHB: First Heart Beat on the Doppler

Obviously the first two stats are the most exciting, but the list will grow and I will try to update it here and there. Now that we are out of the first trimester and into the second, Cole and I are more excited than ever to watch our little Van Gundy grow!

Anyways, since FHB says 1/25/11 which is today, I guess it’s a good idea to mention how it went!

Nothing too thrilling, but still tears came, nonetheless! They weighed me.. ugh. I’ve gained 4lbs since last appointment which was a month ago. So she said im gaining weight very well and I look good! (I’ve actually gained like 14 total since I became pregnant, but they didn’t weigh me till 8 weeks. So…. Im just going to let them think 4) Keep in mind, I had a little food binge after the wedding too!!!

Also many kind women have told me about their weight gain and how they gained the most in the first trimester and not to worry. Not everyone can be skin, bones and baby. The dr didn’t seem concerned about my physical size, so I’ve decided to not be concerned either. Everyone has a different pregnancy after all!

Next she put the Doppler up to my belly and we heard the heartbeat. Yes, this made me cry on the table, which I am sure made it more difficult to hear. But it went like this… dub dub dub dub dub dub dub dub dub dub dub dub dub dub dub dub dub dub. She told us that the reason it would get faint is because the baby was moving around a lot which is good and healthy!

I still have a hard time accepting that there is something living inside me. So anytime I am faced with that fact, I cry a lot. Currently, I am only a pet parent and the mom of 2 loving doggie, who I think of as my children. Brody is my handsome young man, and Taylor is my beautiful little girl. Amazing to think they will finally be put in their “place” as the family pets and no longer my furry children. Yes, I realize how pathetic this paragraph sounds, but it’s the truth.

As for news besides pregnancy, Im headed to Lake Tahoe this weekend for my cousin’s bachelorette party. I know, pregnancy and bachelorette party probably don’t sound like they mix, but Sharon’s one of my bestest friends and its at a cabin. So I won’t necessarily be running around a lot. It will be a lot of fun and really nice to see her! Hopefully I will update with photos next time around:)

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