Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Florals, Decor and let everyone have Cake!

We are using the very talented and amazing Aria Style in Seattle as would florist and rentals vendor. John at Aria style has been such a pleasure to work with and I have always felt very comfortable working with him. His prices are very resonable and they are so artistic and wonderful that i know that whatever they come up with will be beautiful!

So if you couldn't tell by looking at the blog page, our colors are eggplant and mango. They are not commonly seen together but I still love they way they look! Here are a few pictures of mock up centerpeices and flowers(but they will be eggplant and mango colored). We are going for a very modern feel as well!

Thos pictures were provided by Aria Style
The below picture is just sometime I saw that reminded me of them :)

There will also be some curly willow in them to give them some height! :)
Kind of like the below picture. This picture has manzanita branches but they are too heavy for our centerpieces.

I also want chair signs for both Cole and I's chairs, but I am not sure how I am going to go about that just yet :)

We are not renting the fancy chairs because we dont really think anyone pays attention to chairs anyways, so I have to figure out 1. how to print these and 2. how to get them to stay on our chairs :) any ideas?

Aria Style also did these AMAZING green Pom boxes at the Seattle wedding show. Cole and I both loved them and they will be appearing at our wedding as centerpeices as well! :) In our colors of course :)

This is a repeat picture, I think. this is exactly who I want my flowers to look... maybe even a tad bigger. The lady slipper orchids are SO beautiful and beargrass with beads is eye catching. I need to carry something to take the attention off of me, since there is no doubt I will be sobbing as I go down the asile and will not be looking so lovely :)

the Cake!

So as everything else, the cake will look like the first two tiers of this cake

I dont know why the cake looks yellow... I think it would be cool to have our cake look that way, but thats also more $$$ :)

The bottom tier will be square with from beading and will have a special phrase hand painted on the bottom.. like this cake

Not sure what the phrase is just yet! :)
Lastly, we couldn't fit our topper actually on the cake, so we will have a mini baby cake that matches the main cake with this lovely topper for our Seattle Themed wedding:

Ok, I think thats enough info for now!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Wedding Planning Bio

After troll on theknot.com's many topic boards, I had decided to make a planing bio!

I want to warn you before you click on this link, if you are coming to the wedding and dont want to know ALL the details, do not click here. Everything from the venue to dresses and rings are all on there. So think about it and enjoy :)


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

A Couple more things to mark of the todo list!

First and foremost, I want to say CONGRATS!!!! to my cousin Erik Duckworth and his fiance Ivy Garcia! Erik proposed last weekend on March 19th. I dont know the details, but I am very very happy for them! Another wedding in the future!

This will be a short post so I'll be quick!

Things we have finished:
- Picked food for reception
- Picked wine for reception
- Signed up for dance lessons
- Ordered and fully paid for wedding bands
-Invitation Wording
- Booked room for night before and night of
- Booked Honeymoon flights

Things we have started:
- Took Foccus test and mid way through "counciling"
- Design of invitations and pricing
- Booking hotel rooms for family and wedding party
- Day of planning
- Ceremony day of itinerary
- Reception day of itinerary
- Day before scheduling
- Bridesmaid Lucheon
- Bridesmaid gifts

Im hoping my shoes come in the mail today!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Wedding Invitation Wording

Every month is a busy month lately!

This one started out with invitation wording and now it has moved on to our Catholic engaged couples coucniling, food tasting and dance lessons!

So I never realized how difficult inviation wording can be! Thankfully we are able to use traditional wording on our invitation! Did you know that depending on where you get married, your wording is suppose to be different? I do mean to say "suppose to be" loosely becase at the end of the day, everyone decides to do what they want. But for example, Cole and I are getting married in a Chapel, or aka house of worship. Since we are doing that, our wording should include the phrase "request the honour of your presence" and if you are getting married out doors or in a hotel or reception hall, you should put anything but "request the honour of your presence" as it implies that you will be in a church or worship setting. (Although being only 25, I would have NEVER known that!) But I guess for the people who do notice that, its a good idea to alert people that its a church or church like setting dress appropriately.

I think most people know about the whole "if the brides parents are paying" they put their names first, and if both families are paying then you say "together with their families" or if the couple is paying you are suppose to say you names and then "invites you to etc..". I personally dont care about that because its no one's business in my opinion whos paying. So with that, I think go with that you like more!

Also in the body of the wording, if you are sticking to traditions, the brides name, should state only their first and middle name. If their last name differs from their parents name for some reason, they would put first, middle and last name. Then with the grooms name you would traditionally put "Mr. Coulston Paul Van Gundy" or modernly you can put Coulston Paul if his last name is the same as his parents. It really depends on the style. Cole and i are mixing the traditional with the modern since we are a little of both :)

(I like the wrap around label in this picture :) and belly band with a tag )

Lastly, this is usually not as noticed and i think its something newer. Its almost like a header or and intro to your invitation! i have seen a couple of them, but not to many. "together with their families" is one or "because you have shared in their lives" and then it would go into rest of the invitation. Im not going to share exactly what cole and I have decided on.... I have leave some of it as a suprise!!! :) Ill post pictures after they have been sent out and hopefully everyone has gotten them. But I am still 6.5 months away so I wont be sending them out for awhile :)

then there is packaging.... but thats a whole other moster to tackle...to be discussed after invites are made :)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Wedding Website and Bachelorette Party Invites

As mentioned in my last post, one on my MOH has created my wedding website for me! its lovely and its complete! For now, of course... some things will be updated as more information is available. Cole and I are both very happy with and are very thankful that it was made by a friend and family member (with love).  sharon's very word were "your website is made from love, and free asian and jewish labor". She was refering to herself and her boyfriend Jason :)

Its wonderful and I want to share it with everone http://www.sayolivejuice.com/

Also, I had mentioned before that my bachelorette party will be in Las Vegas and the invites went out a few weeks ago! My other MOH and BM have been wonderful and organzied the event and I can't wait! Its a twilight themed party. No we're not runing around as vampires or anything. As you can tell from the invitation, (if you have read twilight) you can see the refernces. And then theming a night for red drinks and snacks! 


These invitations were also made by Tanya Williams at http://www.designbytanya.com/