Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Moving In

Its offical, Im moved in to the condo!

Its a new adult feeling living with my fiance, and a little strange to know I never technically lived with my boyfriend. Just one more of those steps take throws you back into reality that you're not a kid anymore. Like moving 2 states away, and buying my first car, freaking out when getting laid off, paying rent, etc. Sharing one address and one insurance company and one bank account. It's so surreal still! I understand that so many people my age have already gone through this, but there are also quite a few that haven't. It just one of those steps when you start to feel a little old... or older is what I should say.

Its nice how happy Cole has seemed about it, as well. Its very welcoming and I look forward to having all of my stuff in one place. The decorating is  a little difficult. I've mostly decorated the condo already, but now that my stuff will now be intermixed, we've decided on making some adjustments. Kept my dining table, got new chairs all together though. Looks good!

On my favorite subject: Wedding junk. Cole and I are viewing our engagement photos tonight! Woo hoo! I just hope 1 or 2 came out ok. hahaha :)

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