Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Return of the Blog

So for the last few months, I've been on a bit of a bloggin break. Well, a break from the computer really. If its not easy to use on my iphone, then I haven't been using it. Mostly because I have been really focusing on how to be the best mom and stay at home wife I can be, but also...who am I kidding... I was also focusing on finding time to sleep. So blogging went to the way side.

Well, now I think I'm finally getting in a better sync with Elyse and balancing being a mom and a wife, and now a blogger. Notice, all of these things are easy to do from the house. Getting out of the house on a daily basis is still a struggle since Elyse HATES her car seat. I will take another entry to catch up all the great things that have been going on since my last entry, but first, I want to write down my future goals and projects.

So breifly, I quit my job back in September to be a full time mom and wife. Yes, I relize that many people are able to balance both of those roles and work. Well, it's not that I can't, its just that I don't have to right now. Cole and I are able to manage our budget off of his salary and since I am happy to give being a SAHM(stay at home mom) a try, then I am. On top of that, my position and Cole's both require long hours at work and that is just not what we want for our family.

But being a SAHM isn't just sitting on the couch, eating bon bons all day. It's much more, and more than even I knew. It's getting up at all hours of the night and day, it's diapers, and spit up, and laundry and clothes and food and all at the same time, trying to find time to conserve energy, find sleep, to avoid looking like a troll so that your husband enjoys coming home to you, it's dinner and breakfast and lunch, it's everything that took you five minutes to do before that now takes an hour. There is down time though. For example, right now. Elyse is down for ther afternoon nap and I've finished most of my earrands.

Anyways, going from a working woman to a stay at home mom, I've decided I need to give myself a few projects to keep myself going(as side from the baby). I say "projects" because some of them are goals and some of them are hobbies. So here they are in no partiular order.

1. Work on Myself - this is probably the main project that leads into all the others. Yes being a SAHM, means I'm a mom and my family is my #1 job/priority. But aside from that, I've noticed it's been easy to let myself go and become this blob that all I do is baby baby baby. Well, I want there to be more to me than that. So I am making this list to better myself in the process, ya keep my brain alive and moving and learning. So thats my first project :D

2. Get Healthly - when I say healthy, I mean it realively. Healthy in my way. Not everyone elses. Yes I'll probably start dieting, and I want to look better for myself and my husband, but it has to be my way in my time. So if you see me getting that carmel macchiato, lay off on the judgement. I'm not going to completely deprive myself of these simple pleasures all the time! But eating a little better, making better food choices and starting some kind of work out will be my start. Now I know that with the  holidays coming up, it would be ridiculous to really start dieting now. So come new years, I plan to start it. What is "it"? Well, I want to try P90X and I want to lose my baby weight by Elyse's first birthday. I know its hard and I may not completely succeed on doing the program, but I never know until I try... and so I'm going to try :)

Also, P90X gives me the ablity to workout from home at my own time(elyse's time). Unfortunately, the gym can't baby sit elyse yet so the at home workouts are the best bet.

3. Photography - As my iphone sits there and tells me I have too many photos and videos, I've decided I should make this everyday activity a real hobby. So i've asked santa(cole) very nicely for a canon rebel T3i and we'll see if he comes through :) I have sooo many pictures of Elyse on my phone and wish they were better quality so hopefully I will be able to take better pictures of her soon :D Althought taking a class would be nice, but who will watch my baby while i'm at these classes?? So I hope to find many online tutorials and maybe a few books to learn the basics. Any tips are welcome...

4. Scrapbooking - to go along with the pictures, I'm scrapbooking. I want to scrapbook the first year of Elyse's life. After that, I will print out photos and add to a photoalbum. But this project I have started. Im not so good at being creative with the pages, but I am doing it and proud of it!! I also want to finish my wedding scrapbook... which I have started...but barely.

5. Planting - I am hesitant to call it gardening since I don't have a garden. But my goal is to get 2 planter boxes and put 2 plants in them and keep them alive :) I will have to start off small and see what can survive the Seattle weather.

6. Knitting baby hats - Yes this is a little specific, but since I am the first of most of my friends and family to have a baby, I think making these hats for their up coming babies would be a great thing to do, plus a great baby gift!! I've started this and its really hard so we'll see. If anyone knows how to make these and wants to teach me, I'm definitely willing to learn!

7. Read - I've been reading more in the last few years (thank you girl with the dragon tattoo for getting me started) and I've enjoyed it. So I hope to continue reading more. I don't need the fancy, smarty pants books, just something entertaining :)

Okay so thats all my projects right now. This is already a long/overwhelming list as it is, but hopefully I remember to do these things and can focus on these projects and I make my transition from working woman to SHAM/W. :)

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