Friday, February 25, 2011

I am the "pregnant lady" Stereotype

I can’t tell what’s bigger lately. My new found extra chin, or my already giant chest getting bigger and bigger. I think that between the two, they are going to start fighting for space. Geez!
It’s been an interesting week. Started off with a fantastic 3 days weekend that ended with our OB appointment. Then the weather decided to get tricky on everyone and snowed. But it snowed more in different areas. For example, it snowed quite a bit at the house and not very much at work. So even though we managed to get a decent 7inches at our house, Cole insisted I have good work ethic and that we’d take the truck and he would drive me to work… another reason to get rid of the truck. (to enjoy a snow day)

I was actually glad I went in. My boss is from Idaho and isn’t too understanding about people missing work at all for snow. I wish he would at least look at the WSDOT cameras at my exit and be a little more understanding. You can bet, if we didn’t have the truck, I wouldn’t have come in. My car wouldn’t have made it out of the neighborhood with out hitting a few cars. I was a good employee for our recent snow storm. I didn’t leave early and I didn’t come in late! :) the only down fall, is I had a pretty bad fall today trying to get to the car. I stepped on what I thought was wet concrete. Turns out it was solid ice and fell on my butt and lower back. Its starting to hurt but mildly.
Other than the snow, I am realizing I am WAY more sensitive than I have ever noticed myself to be. More and more people are upsetting me over the simplest things. I have actually considered cutting myself off from people until I can manage to 1. confront the people that are upsetting me and to let them know what they are saying/doing are upsetting me or 2. learn to get over it, and remember the pregnancy hormones have officially made themselves at home.
I’ve found myself either extremely hurt, or angry or crying over something silly. Even this week, Cole and I were watching re-runs of jersey shore and I started crying. So its official. I’m a pregnant women stereotype.
I like to eat, a lot. My body is definitely bigger, I am moody, emotional and sensitive, and tried at all times of the day. Here’s the thing, I always heard about how women can be bitchy when they're pregnant and how someone people assume that women use pregnancy as an “excuse” to be mean to others… well. I’m here to tell you. It’s100% NOT an excuse. I wish it was. I try really hard to control myself by trying to not respond to things that upset me. But its hard and I only do it because I’m pregnant and its expected that the pregnant lady is going to be “hormonal”.

But if people who aren’t pregnant could practice it as well, it would be a much easier way to live.

Anyways, I just thought I would say now, for the few that may actually read this, if I am mean.. yes I am hormonal. But it’s not voluntary and I don’t want to be this way. But it should not be always brushed off as “she doesn’t mean it, she’s just pregnant”. Sometimes I do mean it.
Now for the crying…. Oh the crying. I cry watching almost every tv show now. I love Vampire diaries. I don’t know why, but I’m hooked. Okay, I do know why. Everyone on that show is extremely good looking and I love watching them all :) The fantasy stuff is interesting too, but still…. The actors and actresses are hott! Who ever did the casting should get an award :)
Anyways, I cried watching that, I cried watching Jersey Shore (when Sammi went home and Ron was being and immature dee-bag and throwing her stuff around), I cried watching the NEWS! I don’t know what’s happening to me. I was even able to not cry at weddings anymore…then at my cousin’s wedding I cried and I had the hardest time!!! Wow! I mean I guess it makes sense since she’s my cousin and a BFF, but I thought I would be able to hold it together. That didn’t happen at all!
I think that’s enough ramblings for today. Next week I will post a 17wks picture! Woo hoo! Probably won’t be too much different from the 15 wk picture, but who knows. I eat like a teenage boy lately.

EDIT: I just remembered another crazy pregnancy symptom I am suffering. Severe memory loss.... yes. Also known as "pregnancy" brain. I actually got into my car the other day, put all my stuff down and couldnt figure out what to do next. Turns out... I completely forgot my keys in the house still. (My car is usually in our garage and unlocked so that how I got in it. ) WOW. It's scary. Also on two different occasions my friend Courtney, had to remind me of a conversation or something we did and I had no memory of it at all!!! I usually have a greta memory and am also really good with remembering names! But the child I am brewing is casuing me turn into an new person. A person who forgets!

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