Wednesday, December 29, 2010

and the blog name changes again...

So this blog has quickly turned from my wedding blog, to my newly wed blog to my pregnancy blog 

It’s still very early to be announcing this too much, but I would rather document my thoughts and changes now than later!

Sooo… if you didn’t know, I’m pregnant!! I’m currently a healthy 8 weeks and 3 days along. Not very far and of course, there’s the chance of miscarriage. But we are nonetheless excited and can’t wait to get to bring this little Van Gundy into the world!

Since I found out on Nov 29th that I got a big fat positive (BFP for those bumpers) on my home pregnancy test three times, I was pretty sure this was the real deal. I chest had started hurting really bad in the beginning of November and I was starting to be skeptical. So after I returned home for thanksgiving, it was the first thing I wanted to do is test.

The most common question we’ve had so far is “was it planned?” Which is a difficult question to answer, but to be frank… no. Our motto after marriage was “if it happens, it happens, and if it doesn’t, it doesn’t.” So we weren’t planning or trying, but we were doing much to avoid it either. We were both extremely excited for kids and were pretty happy when I came out of the bathroom and said “cole…. Can you please come here?” I took the test, the first thing in the morning and Cole didn’t know I had. So as he comes up the stairs, and sees me trying to hide a smile, he stops half way up the stairs and starts smiling too! He knew.

Then he says “is it s yes?” I was sooo giddy and happy but I had to contain it a little. My friend Courtney was over, in the living room. (we drove together from sacramento and we got in soo late that we insisted she stay at our place). So we had to decide, there and then if we were going to tell her. Of course, in my excitement, I did!! But we were also very skeptical. Since, at this point, I had only taken 1 test. So Cole went to the store and I took 2 more tests and they all came out positive.

No major symptoms except my chest being sensitive, until week 6 hit. I started having morning sickness and felt really unwell for 2 days. Then it lightened up and would only happen in the morning until around 10am. I was REALLY happy I wasn’t one of those “all day morning sickness” girls.

Well, now its Week 8. The approximate due date is August 8th 2011 and I am sick as a dog. It’s all day morning sickness now:(

We had our first appointment with our OB Dr Te, in Bellevue. She’s fantastic and we’re really happy with her! She was very nice and easy to talk to. We had our first ultrasound.. (I didn’t know until a few day before that the first ultrasound was transvaginal…glad I had some warning!)