Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Wedding Website and Bachelorette Party Invites

As mentioned in my last post, one on my MOH has created my wedding website for me! its lovely and its complete! For now, of course... some things will be updated as more information is available. Cole and I are both very happy with and are very thankful that it was made by a friend and family member (with love).  sharon's very word were "your website is made from love, and free asian and jewish labor". She was refering to herself and her boyfriend Jason :)

Its wonderful and I want to share it with everone http://www.sayolivejuice.com/

Also, I had mentioned before that my bachelorette party will be in Las Vegas and the invites went out a few weeks ago! My other MOH and BM have been wonderful and organzied the event and I can't wait! Its a twilight themed party. No we're not runing around as vampires or anything. As you can tell from the invitation, (if you have read twilight) you can see the refernces. And then theming a night for red drinks and snacks! 


These invitations were also made by Tanya Williams at http://www.designbytanya.com/

1 comment:

  1. Informative content, In bachelor party you can drink all night but between the beer and the strippers, wouldn't it be fun to have a few bachelor party games such as Despedida Soltero.
