Random Post
WARNING: this is long
Not much to update about the baby, so instead I’ll update a little of what has been on my mind lately.
My husband :D
I realize this will be a boring post for most, but I think of this blog as not only my own little soap box, but also a little journal for me to reflect on in a few years. This is something that will help me remember the past and be able to relive it. It’s like my own digital version of “The Notebook”.
Last weekend, Cole and I went to the CMA Gala in San Francisco. To try to squeeze in a few moments with our family, we flew into Sacramento after work. Our flight got delayed and we didn’t land till after midnight. We stayed at Lenny’s place, and then took off early the next morning to get my hair done/see my mom. Once that was done, I managed to squeeze in a quick lunch at La Bou(drooling thinking about La Bou) with my Dad and his friend Eva. Which ran a little late and we had to be on our way to San Francisco.
Once in SF, we saw our friend Brittnay. Brittnay is one of our few “joint” friends! It was a very short and fun visit (and long over due) and we were off to the gala at the Westin St Francis in Union Square. It was a beautiful hotel in a beautiful city. It was great to go and see a few familiar faces! With our flight the next morning at 830am out of Sacramento, we had to rush back home. So we took interstate 80 all the way back.
Why am I mentioning our route home? Well, because it has been such a long time since the last time I was driving from SF to Roseville on 80 and we had to drive through Vallejo to get there. Driving through Vallejo brought back so many memories of school. It was such a strange feeling to be going through it. Both good and bad all came rushing back, but most of all the lack of responsibility.
My senior year, last semester, I was making decent money working at the school and barely had any classes. Which meant, I had a lot of time on my hands to live out my last few months of college. These were the memories that really came back to me. The last year of school. Since I had more time on my hands, I saw Courtney and Sharon more often. Also, I was finally 21 so I went to bars and clubs in SF. Before I was 21, I didn’t drink at all. I did a little in High School (sorry mom and dad if you’re reading this!) but really not that much.
So when the legal drinking age finally came around, I had a blast and would like to think my senior year was one of the best years of my life. So I said this post was going to be about my husband, and I haven’t really talked about him yet. Well, here goes the story of us….
For those of you that don’t know, Cole and I went to college together, but didn’t run in the same circles until senior year. Even then, he was an engineer and still had a lot of studying to do while I didn’t and had a different agenda. After being together for 4 years, we’ve come to realize we’ve been around each other since high school. With Cole having gone to Granite Bay High School and myself at Roseville, we’ve actually been at swim meets together, swimming against each other and football games together. Then with CMA, I never would have thought “my future husband is roaming around this campus”.
So, back to senior year in college, I was hanging out with Brittnay and her friends more after I had freed myself from a long relationship I had in college with someone else. I was enjoying my new found “single” self and making new friends along the way. With that was Cole. There were many occasions I would be over at Cole’s house and Cole and I would get to talking. We clicked very well, but didn’t ever recognize it as much more than a friendship. We all went on a trip to Mexico on our senior year spring break and I found myself at Cole’s rental more than my own. There was a time in Mexico that Cole and I were talking for so long at his rental that we fell asleep on the couches. Separate couches… remember… we’re just friends at this point. Also another time, were he came over to the rental I was at we stayed up till almost 4am talking on the balcony. Needless to say, this is when I heard the nicest complement I had ever received. I did have to force it out of him, but I got it!
Anyways, life went on and we didn’t keep in really close contact at all. Just a message here and there to say hi. I’m not really sure how it came about, once I moved to Seattle, he and hung out once or twice while he had training. I even remember Sharon and I teasing him about his Crowley vest that said “My Safety, it’s up to me.”. We went to a movie together as well. (the Davinci code.. yea it’s a little silly that I remember this since we were still just friends). He went up to Alaska and I was enjoying my life in Seattle.

Then a few months go by and he lets me know that he has to go back to Seattle for a bit and I suggested that he just stay with me and to come over Seafair weekend. (the first weekend in August). He agreed, which surprised me, but we had an extra room at the time, so I guess it made sense. I can still remember now, when he came up to say hi at Seafair. I was with Stephanie and Tim, (Courtney was there too, but I believe she managed her way onto a party boat at this time. Lucky girl!) He had a brown AE shirt and Khakis shorts and his side burns… oh the side burns. They were MONSTORUS!

We had all sat at the water, talking and joking around. We all got hungry and decided that we should go to Madison Park for food. One little problem… Steph, Courtney and I didn’t have a car. We took the shuttle from Bellevue over and Cole’s car was fairly far away. So, Tim (the nice guy that he is) offered to take us one by one on his scooter back to Cole’s truck. I had never been on a scooter and thought it was the funniest thing. So after he got us all back to the truck,(except Cole cause I think they decided that would be a little awkward on the scooter together) we went to Madison Park to eat. Cole took us girls back to Bellevue.
Here’s the part of the story that is mostly told so you may or may not have heard this before(or are apart of this story… sorry Court :D ) We had all decided to go out to Belltown that night. So, we got ready and were downstairs waiting for Courtney. We realized that it was taking a little while and someone should check on her. So I did, and there she was… a little angel all swaddled up in her blanket. She had been sleeping! She later told us that she went to lay down for what she thought would just be a few minutes. Made the mistake of turning her light off and never got back up :) Tim had also decided to not come out so the three of us and another person went out that night.
Anyways, we had a great night going out, and although Cole and I danced together the whole time, nothing happened. We were still just friends… with a lot of chemistry.
The next few days Cole stayed with us and we got to know each other more and more. Everyday I got home from work, we’d go out to dinner or he was making dinner. After dinner Cole and I went to my room and watched TV on the floor till we both fell asleep. One of those times was when he kissed me for the first time.
So jumping back to last weekend and driving through Vallejo. It made me wish I would have been able to know Cole in college and wish we could have started our relationship earlier. But he says that he believes we’re together now because that’s how it was meant to be. If we had dated earlier, we may not have liked each other or may not have worked out. I still believe that deep down we would have had the same connection regardless and it very apparent from our past as friends that the chemistry was always there. But since the past can’t be changed, I should look at the future.
So after thinking about all the “what if” scenarios in my head, I have decided that no matter how many way I try to re-think the past, it won’t change and that the important part is we ended up here, together, married and starting a family. I’m pretty sure it’s all my hormones working on overtime, but I’m glad I thought about it. About our pasts, both together and separate.
It makes me more and more grateful to have him in my life. He’s such an amazing partner that sometimes I don’t know what I did to deserve him. But he’s here. I like to look at other married couples in his family and think about us in comparison in a positive way. I’ve noticed how much his grandparents, on both sides, are still married and adore each other and I know that Cole and I adore each other the same. So I have no doubt in my mind we will last as well. We’ve always told each other that we never want to stop holding each others hand and hope to be that old wrinkly couple that holds hands walking down the street. So now, everytime we see an older couple, walking and holding hands, we smile at each other and know “that will be us someday”.
Lastly, I just want to say the reason I’ve decided to write this post is because I think all the time how lucky I am or how happy I am with Cole. I wouldn’t ever say I had “cold feet” but I did wonder if getting married would change the way I looked at Cole. Marriage is such a big commitment and very permanent and I worried if I would feel claustrophobic or something. Needless to say, marriage did change the way I looked at Cole. I didn’t know it was possible, but it made me love him more and adore him more. That saying those vows were nothing short of the best decision of my life and I couldn’t be happier with the outcome. I couldn’t have picked a better spouse or future father.
Okay, I’ve gushed enough about my husband!! He’s amazing!